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MMBB Supporting Your Calling is Our Calling MonitorMMBB Supporting Your Calling is Our Calling

A Message from Our CEO

It seems like yesterday that we welcomed the beginning of summer, yet in August, the warmest season of the year begins to wind down. While we enjoy the lull of summertime, some prepare themselves or their children to go back to school. Churches, ministers, and church staff anticipate the return of ministry activities and Sunday school after a warm weather break.

Since the economy and technology never sleep, we have several informative stories lined up in this issue of Tomorrow. Read “Managing Your Finances in Your 50s” for more financial guidance as you approach retirement. It is the final segment in our series on Managing Your Finances in your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. We provide tips for making the most of technology and keeping up with the pace of change in “How to Adapt to Technology No Matter Your Age.”

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the use of credit and debit cards for everyday purchases has significantly increased in popularity. “What’s the Deal with the Cashless Economy?” provides insights into this trend. Part 2 of “Creative Ways to Save Money,” offers more unconventional ways to boost your nest egg or your rainy-day fund. With the school year right around the corner, we shed light on financing higher education in “Financial Fact: Financial Planning for College.”

As we enjoy this season that is often filled with barbecues, family reunions and conferences, I leave you with this scripture: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews 10:24-25 -- NIV).

As Christians, we’re called to help each other grow closer to God and to promote love, good habits, and good deeds. Gathering together is needed to encourage our brothers and sisters in their faith and good works. Meeting regularly allows Christians to gain inspiration from each other as they follow the ultimate inspiration and sustainer – Jesus Christ. May the rest of your summer be filled with fellowship, family and fun.


Louis P. Barbarin


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